My Soulful Life: 13 life-affirming questions with ballerina Katharina Nikelski.
Welcome to our monthly series, “My Soulful Life”. Through 13 life-affirming questions - inspired by the points on The Art of Soulful Living compass - we’ll ask one luminary we admire to reflect on and reveal their true self.
This month, we’re talking to ballerina Katharina Nikelski who featured in our Soulful Rituals campaign. Combining her love of dance, a journey she started at the age of 5, with a holistic approach to life, we are proud to work with her on the stunning visuals for our new limited edition collection. Katharina perfectly encompasses The Art of Soulful Living, practising mental and physical strength through ballet whilst also practising compassion and joy in her daily life. Katharina joined The Royal Ballet´s Aud Jebsen Young Dancers Programme for the 2018/2019 Season and was promoted to Artist in 2019. Her professional performances include dancing with The Royal Ballet in Manon, Swan Lake, Don Quixote, and Romeo and Juliet.
When in the day are you at your most reflective?
“At the end of the day, I like to take a few minutes to reflect. This helps me to continuously improve, gives me new ideas and helps me gain perspective.”
What one person, place or thing is guaranteed to give you joy?
“I love spending time with the people I love. Adventures, trying out new things, I like travel to new cities. Dance and music = guaranteed joy.”
Do you think it’s more important to forgive or forget?
“Forgiveness makes forgetting easier, so I think it’s more important to forgive. I think it’s an essential life skill, to move forward and to replace negative emotions with positive ones.”
Which moment in your life are you most grateful for?
“Having a supportive family that were always there for me when I had a decision to make. A place to call home and a life that gave me wonderful opportunities and challenges to learn, feel and grow.”

Have you found your life’s purpose yet?
“My purpose is pretty simple - to be happy and to live life to its fullest, to chase my dreams and attain them and to do whatever I can to bring connection, love and unity.”
Do you believe you can teach compassion?
“I think some are born more compassionate than others but it can be taught. This starts with positive affirmations each morning and then practising what you preach. I personally think that the more care we feel for the people around us, the more energised and joyful we feel about ourselves.”
What do you wish you could do more mindfully?
“To slow down when things get busy and hectic, when I do it helps me to become more efficient and productive.”
How would I know you love me?
“I always make time for you and want to spend a lot of time together, I feel safe around you and you complement me rather than completing me.”
What was the last random act of kindness you did or witnessed?
“I donated clothes and a place to stay for Ukrainian refugees.”
Which 3 words describe your authentic self?
“Determined, loyal and passionate.”
How often does it appear?
Are you faithful or fickle with your passions?
“100% faithful! My star sign is Scorpio so I’m very committed and loyal towards everything related to the things I deeply care about.”
What is always guaranteed to grab your awareness and keep you in the moment?
“I try to live in the moment most of the time because all we have is now. I try not to get distracted by the past or worry about the future. Something that always grabs my awareness is the simple fact that we won’t get the same moment twice. Pilates and yoga also help me to connect with the present moment.”
When in your life have you most needed a positive mindset?
“The time around COVID was very challenging, not knowing what was happening around the world and the fact that I couldn’t get home to my family. The uncertainty around life, family and work required a positive mindset throughout.”
To learn more about the 13 points of The Art of Soulful Living compass and how you can use them to boost your personal wellbeing, click here.