Your Rituals

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Stai auto-sabotando la tua gioia? Ecco come vivere una vita davvero appagante

  • Per Sarah Jane Corfield Smith
  • Wed May 01 2024
  • 3 min read

E se non fosse il tuo conto in banca né le frustrazioni causate dal lavoro a impedirti di condurre una vita davvero felice? Se fossi semplicemente tu?  Sarah-Jane Corfield-Smith analizza il modo in cui, con pochi ma importanti cambiamenti, potrai veramente cambiare la tua vita passando ad un modo di pensare che sia pieno di gioia.

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Il tuo momento di Gratitudine

  • Per Amy Lewis
  • Mon Sep 18 2023
  • 3 min read

In ogni appuntamento con la nostra serie “Il tuo momento di…”, discuteremo di uno dei punti della nostra guida The Art of Soulful Living e condivideremo modi semplici e veloci per applicarla più spesso alla tua vita. Questo mese, ci concentreremo sulla gratitudine.

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Il tuo momento di… consapevolezza

  • Per Emma Becque
  • Mon Jan 09 2023
  • 3 min read

La consapevolezza è uno dei punti della nostra guida The Art of Soulful Living. Eppure, ritagliarsi del tempo nella giornata per momenti di consapevolezza può sembrare l’ennesima attività da aggiungere alla lista delle cose da fare. Per questo motivo ti presentiamo dei pratici consigli, facili da provare quando e dove desideri. 

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Tacos vegani alla birria riscaldanti per le serate più fredde

  • Per Renaud Goigoux
  • Wed Nov 16 2022
  • 3 min read

La birria è un piatto messicano tradizionalmente preparato con carne di capra. Non sorprende che questo delicato stufato speziato sia ancora più gustoso se servito in un taco. Dato che tutti dovrebbero avere la possibilità di provare questa delizia, abbiamo creato una versione vegana. Questa ricetta sostituisce la carne con diversi tipi di funghi per dare consistenza al piatto. Inoltre, lasciandolo stufare per un tempo sufficiente, rilascia un delizioso sapore di umami che te ne farà desiderare sempre di più.

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The Art of Soulful Living: “What is love?” (cioè: Cos’è l’amore?)

  • Per Amy Lawrenson
  • Mon Oct 03 2022
  • 3 min read

La nostra filosofia, The Art of Soulful Living, è rappresentata dalla nostra bussola, che funge da guida al benessere personale.  Questo mese ci concentriamo sull’Amore, il 13° punto che, volutamente, si trova nel cuore della bussola.  Vediamo infatti l'amore sia come fondamento di ogni tema sia come collante, in grado di tenerli tutti insieme

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Baobab superballs with raw cocoa and matcha

  • Per Mirjam Leslie-Pringle
  • Fri Apr 20 2018

A snack rolled into little balls that is very easy to make and delicious for any moment of the day. Mix fresh nuts like pistachios and/or almonds with a ripe banana, Medjoul dates, baobab powder and matcha powder. This mixture is then rolled into little balls and coated in raw cacao. Your super snack is ready!

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Create a healthy plate with these tips

  • Per Nigel Van Der Horst
  • Fri Mar 16 2018
  • 3 min read

Everybody has to eat to survive, but how conscious are you of what you’re eating? We asked chef, fitness model and author of the book Chef with Lef Nigel van der Horst about the most important things to consider when it comes to mealtime. Keep reading for some unmissable advice about building the perfect plate.

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Eat smart with these professional tips

  • Per Nigel Van Der Horst
  • Thu Mar 08 2018
  • 3 min read

For your body to function optimally, it needs the best fuel. Chef, cookbook author and fitness model Nigel van der Horst shares some important advice about “intelligent eating,” and what it means for your daily life. Read on to discover his expert tips.

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Sweet matcha recipes to treat your soul

  • Per Mirjam Leslie-Pringle
  • Fri Feb 23 2018

Matcha tea is the latest foodie trend—and if you haven’t tried it yet, these recipes are a great introduction to the ingredient. Packed with antioxidants, Matcha tea comes from Japan and has a pleasantly bitter taste. These 3 recipes are definite comfort food—not terribly healthy for the body, but amazing for the soul.

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Veggie adventures: an interview with Mirjam-Leslie Pringle

  • Per Mirjam Leslie-Pringle
  • Tue Nov 21 2017
  • 4 min read

Mirjam Leslie-Pringle is like so many of us: busy with work, family and trying to live her best life. A vegetarian cookbook author, photographer and mother of three, Mirjam spends her days on the beautiful island of Ibiza. There she cooks, writes, takes portraits and is preparing to open a store—in the following interview, she talks about how she combines all of this while still living a full and healthy life.

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Red pepper curry

  • Per Mirjam Leslie-Pringle
  • Fri Sep 29 2017
  • 3 min read

In search of the perfect curry recipe? Look no further. This delicious vegetarian curry is just spicy enough to make you feel like you’re in India, but still suitable for every palate.

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Baked lima bean salad with walnuts

  • Per Mirjam Leslie-Pringle
  • Fri Sep 01 2017

If you want to introduce more nutrition into your diet but don’t want to skimp on flavour, this warm salad has you covered. Made with lima beans and walnuts, the dish takes very little time to prepare and the ginger gives it a unique and interesting kick.

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Red beet and red endive salad

  • Per Mirjam Leslie-Pringle
  • Fri Jun 30 2017

This salad, made with red beets and red endive is not only delicious, it’s also extremely good for your skin. Red and orange coloured fruit and vegetables fight the ageing of the skin and last but not least, it’s also a boost to your immune system. So start eating!  

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Avocado and Dukkah on toast

  • Per Mirjam Leslie-Pringle
  • Fri Jun 16 2017

Dukkah is an Egyptian mix of roasted nuts, seeds and herbs that instantly adds a great Eastern twist to this simple breakfast. Once it’s made, you can keep the golden mixture in a closed, dry container for a long time to enjoy it again with this dish or other ones.